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Project Title: Patient-Centered Approach in Investigating the Etiopathogenesis of Functional Disorders
Approval Code: 198092
Ethics Code: IR.NIMAD.REC.1398.017
The most common reasons for seeking healthcare and medical consultation are complaints of mental disorders and physical pain. In a recent study, it has been reported that almost one-third of visits to the healthcare system are due to a combination of these disorders, which result from the interaction of genetic, environmental, gastrointestinal microbiome, and other variables. Despite the fact that the quality of life and functioning of this group in society is severely affected by these physical symptoms, most often these symptoms cannot be attributed to a specific defined disease even after clinical examinations and medical tests. In recent years, it has been theorized that this collection of symptoms and manifestations all belong to a set of interrelated or even differently expressed background diseases with different subtypes. We believe that the first step towards better understanding this spectrum of disorders is to investigate the etiopathogenic processes underlying the complaints and functional impairments, as additional diagnostic measures do not contribute significantly to this understanding or improving individuals' health conditions.
Therefore, in this study titled "Investigation into Functional Disorders in the Iranian Community," routine laboratory test data, demographic information, anthropomorphic indicators (entropomorphic), health data, and lifestyle data from apparently healthy individuals were examined to not only assess the prevalence of functional disorders but also make an effective step towards improving their quality of life. The aim was to study epidemiology and risk factors for functional diseases using omics data. Considering the inherent complexity of this group's disorders and symptoms, these data were extracted from participants in various fields such as genomics, microbiota analysis, metabolomics analysis.
Currently, the results obtained from this project are available at Gastroenterology Research Center Hepatology Division. After necessary coordination with program coordinator and following mentioned procedures all researchers and students can use this data for research or thesis purposes.
ISFUN Program Coordinator: Mrs. Nosrat Ghadamizadeh
Email Address: nghadamizadeh@gmail.com
Contact Days with Coordinator: Mondays & Thursdays - 8 am to 2 pm
For more information regarding ISFUN project data please refer to below link: Access link for articles published based on ISFUN project
Article1: Multidisciplinary approach to functional somatic syndromes: study protocol for a population-based prospective cohort study
Access link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35777883
Article2: A multidimensional longitudinal dataset on functional somatic syndromes
Access link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37383795
ISFUN project Codebook file: Complete Excel Codebook file
Separate sheets of Codebook file in PDF format (zoom in to view the files)
- about data catalog
- Laboratory assessment
- Q-demographic
- Q-psychological assessment
- Q-Lifestyle
- Food frequency
- Q-Functional somatic Syndrome
- History information
- Clinical measurements
Data collection tools: Project questionnaire
Collaboration workflow with researchers interested in collaborating with the Gastroenterology Research Center (students, investigators, etc.)
Workflow for collaboration with Isfahan University of Medical Sciences students: In progress
Workflow for collaboration with external students and other universities: in progress
Collaboration process with researchers interested in using ISFUN project data
Preparation of pre-proposal by researcher or student
Reviewing the pre-proposal in a scientific meeting and, if approved, sending the complete proposal to the program coordinator via email. At this stage, guidance on collaboration processes between Isfahan University and interested parties will be provided by the program coordinator. (Students and researchers from outside Isfahan University are required to sign a contract between their university and Gastroenterology Research Center.)
Registering the proposal at Pajoheshyar Research System and obtaining an approval code from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Obtaining an ethics code from the university's ethics committee (for foreign researchers, obtaining an ethics code from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences is mandatory)
Granting access permission to relevant research data to the investigator after completing the above steps
Monthly progress report submitted to Gastroenterology Research Center (if a researcher fails to complete their proposal within the given timeframe mentioned in the contract, it will be considered as a unilateral breach of contract, and data will be retrieved)
Access process for requesting individuals seeking access to ISFUN project data
After selecting variables based on codebook by researcher and sending it to program coordinator for confirmation by scientific committee. The data will then be uploaded onto a website designed specifically for this purpose. The unique user ID and password along with access link will be sent via email to researcher. (Instructions on how to work with and analyze data are available on this website.)
Previous or ongoing projects: In progress
Frequently Asked Questions: In progress